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Time: 2019-08-26Number of visits:1366
   An online conference for Xiaomi Mi 10 detonated the entire 5G industry chain. The launch of a series of Xiaomi product configurations has also made many emerging concepts in the semiconductor industry and information technology industry quickly popular.

An online conference for Xiaomi Mi 10 detonated the entire 5G industry chain. The launch of a series of Xiaomi product configurations has also made many emerging concepts in the semiconductor industry and information technology industry quickly popular. Among them, the first to trigger a strong reaction in the capital market is the third-generation semiconductor material-the concept of gallium nitride.

From the perspective of the concept sector, in the current A-share market, there are approximately 20 companies related to the gallium nitride concept, and with the exception of a few upstream foundry companies, most are still in the layout and R & D stage, such as Xiaomi Such as the 65W gallium nitride charger released this time, mature device products in the civilian communications industry, the market is still very scarce.

The investment sentiment brought by the gallium nitride concept has also evolved into a strong stock price pull in the capital market. After the launch of Xiaomi, almost all GaN related concept stocks in A shares rose. Soon after, in response to the enthusiasm of the capital market, some listed companies' gallium nitride R & D, production layout and stage results were also exposed, which triggered a new round of capital pursuit. For example, companies such as Sanan Optoelectronics, Fenghua Hi-Tech, and Jiejie Microelectronics have successively disclosed their GaN R & D and patent achievements.

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